The Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) is the process of becoming Catholic. It starts by visiting a local parish or priest and expressing a desire to be received into the church. The steps of this process generally include:
Religious education is a process of initiating the children into the faith community of the Church. It models the ministry of Jesus by welcoming the children and their families to respond to the call to follow Jesus. Children are invited to learn the stories, beliefs, symbols, traditions and prayers of our Catholic Faith. Families are encouraged to worship with the parish community at Sunday Liturgy. Sacramental formation takes place with the family and the parish community. Families are encouraged to join with others in outreach to those in need, integrating their learning experiences with service.
Religious formation takes place through faith sharing at home, liturgical and sacramental experiences with the parish community and Faith Formation classes here in the parish. It is our hope that children come to know Jesus and respond to the message of the Gospel.
The measure of the success of our educational ministry is how well it enables our
children to hear the message of hope contained in the gospel, to base their love and their service upon this message, and to achieve a vital personal relationship with Christ.
Recognizing the Church's catechetical mission to help the faithful of all ages to grow in both human and Christian maturity, St. James' adult faith formation ministry engages the particular needs and interests of the adults in our community. To be faithful and effective it offers, over time, a comprehensive and systematic presentation and exploration of the core elements of Catholic faith and practice - a complete initiation into a Catholic way of life. Our goal is to do so in away that is accessible to adults and relates to their life experiences, helping them to form a reliably sound Christian conscience and to live their lives in the world as faithful disciples of Jesus.
Please contact the parish office (662-331-5184) to learn more
about any of our educational programs.